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VT Childcare Information for parents
Franklin County Family center
A resource for parenting information, subsidy and any children related issues you may need assistance with.
802-524-6554 or
Childcare Financial Assistance
Need help paying for childcare? Here is the link to apply for subsidy online
New Connections
New Connections offers 24-hour support to families with children experiencing a behavioral crisis or who are at risk of, or currently a runaway. Emergency family mediation, planning for stability and de-escalation support is offered. Emergency respite may be offered based on need. Please contact our crisis line to access this support: (802) 524-6554.
Health Department
Information on health related issues as well as Vermont Insurances such as Dr. Dinosaur and Catamount
888-7447 or
Building Bright Spaces
Created in 2002 by the Vermont Legislature, the Building Bright Spaces for Bright Futures Fund provides grants for childcare and youth programs to expand the supply and improve the quality of care available to Vermont families. The children's specialty license plates funds these grants. Consider getting one today to show your support! Georgia's Next Generation is a proud receiver of a grant for $2900 to help us renovate and get our facility up and running!
Let's grow kids
We are proud Let's Grow Kids Supporters!
Let's Grow Kids is a statewide campaign about the need for more high-quality, affordable child care in Vermont to better support our children, families, women, communities and economy.
Please consider signing the petition below so we can draw attention to our legislators letting them know that we need to prioritize children, invest in high-quality, affordable child care to ensure every Vermont child has a strong start!
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