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What is your waitlist policy?


The NG waitlist is not a guarantee that you will have a spot when you are requesting to start, it allows everyone a fair opportunity to enroll based on when they come on the waitlist.  When space opens up we go to the waitlist and offer it to the next family at the top of the list, they have the choice to enroll, or pass (if they want a later start date) and then wait for the next opening after that, or enroll then and wait to bring their child on the desired start date (if wanting a start date in July and space is open in April - they would start paying in April for the space and the child would attend in July).  Currently, enrolled families are given priority if they need to enroll another child.  We do our very best to accommodate all families in the community. 

Do you provide any meals?

We do not provide meals as all of our campuses are pack in - pack out. Daily meals must be provided by each family. We do provide milk with morning and afternoon snack. More information about Next Generation provided snacks can be found in our Family Handbook. 

What are your hours? 

We are open from 7:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday. We are open year-round. Please see our calendar to view our closed days. We are also open one evening a month for date night. This is an optional service that you can sign up for. The sign-ups go out monthly.

Do you enroll part-time children? 

Yes, we have 2 and 3-day options offered at a different rate. Please speak with our enrollment coordinator to see if we can accommodate your request.


Do you participate in the ACT 166 partnership?

YES! All of our Preschools are an approved partner with Act 166.

How is Act 166 is applied:

School districts provide roughly $3,000 (varies year to year set forth by the state) per school year for preschool tuition for children who are 3 years old before September 1st of the school year.  Once families are approved (with their school districts of residence) the discount will be applied to their account from September 15th to April 30.  Families are responsible to pay the full price of child care beyond the school year and during school break weeks.

Families must complete a registration packet for the district of residence and be approved by the district prior to receiving the discount.  Please contact your local school district to learn more out about the process.  Once a family is approved with the school district of their residence then they would reach out to our enrollment coordinator for further support if you haven't all ready connected to finalize the process with us at Next Generation. 


How will I be billed and how can I pay my bill?

NG has a system called Brightwheel that all families will have access to. Invoices are sent out on Wednesdays and are due on Fridays the week before care begins.  We have the ability to accept credit carts and to take ACH payments.

What do I need to bring on my child's first day?

Items to bring

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